Posts in neurosculpting
Why We Ruminate, and How to Feel Better

I heard once that for every negative or stressful thought that we experience, chemicals related to that emotion are released into our system, and they remain there for a certain amount of time – generally eight to twelve seconds.

This perpetuates unhealthy mental states – including anxiety and depression – because our body is continuing to express those chemicals while we ruminate (get stuck on a thought) on the negative experience and keep it fresh in our minds.

The question is, then, why do we ruminate? Why do we allow ourselves to get stuck on a problem and run it over and over in our heads? Does it serve a purpose?

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Getting To Know Your Nervous System

Our brain receives these messages and automatically responds in a way that uses the least amount of energy—aka, what is familiar or habitual.

So in order to change the way we automatically respond to situations like negative thought spirals, or communication patterns in relationship, it’s important to know the basics of our nervous system so we know what’s happening and when, and how to set ourselves up for success in retraining and re-wiring old pathways of thought and behavior.

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Stepping out of Your Default Ego-Identity with Neurosculpting

We all, to some degree, have an immediate sense of who we are – our values and beliefs, our mood and feelings, our insecurities, fears, and desires. All together, and with so much more, these form our ego – the storehouse of our identity.

The ego is not just a bunch of abstract ideas; instead, it’s actually grounded and cemented in our body-state and mindset. While the age-old wisdom of “knowing thyself” is incredibly powerful and important, what happens when we want to actually change an aspect of who we are?

Neurosculpting is the answer.

But first, we must start with the ego.

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How to Bring Consciousness to Your Unconscious Patterns

Many people aren’t aware of this, but the brain is actually designed for automation, and most of our behavior is derived from the unconscious.

This is why one of the hallmarks of being human is experiencing patterns in our lives that seem to repeat themselves in new and unexpected ways, when we can’t quite put our finger on why.

We’ve all experienced this to one degree or another – in relationships, the workplace, or in attempting to start a new exercise or health routine – and more often than not, we don’t become aware of what’s happening until it’s too late.

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