Neuroaffective Touch

Bodywork for the Relational Nervous System

In-Person sessions for Los Angeles, California - Waitlisted (Sign up HERE)


What we understand about Neuroscience is always changing as more advanced methods to explore living systems are developed. While the brain remains the communication hub of our body-mind, science is discovering that our major organ systems have “brains” of their own, and respond to stress or shock in their own way. They also “remember” stressful events in their own way.

Have you ever had an experience where you “know better” - maybe a particular relational pattern you fall into, but can’t seem to access that part of your brain in the moment?

Sometimes, it’s because that pattern developed before your cognitive brain came fully online. Your present time body experiences a situation that has a similar “shape of meaning” to something from the past - something that bypasses your cognitive brain - so you don’t even recognize it happening in the moment, and moves you into a default way of relating.

This can feel mind boggling and disheartening, especially if you’re someone who has done a ton of personal growth work and still feel stuck in the same patterns.

The “brains” in our organs need help moving out of “freeze” or “triggered” states, and at the deepest levels, this can only be done through touch - through creating an experience where the deepest parts of ourselves feel safe to fall back into harmony with the rest of the body, where contraction lessens, and our system feels safe to take in nourishment and the ebb and flow of life force can return to its natural rhythm.

Neuroaffective Touch can help with repairing relational developmental patterns that get embedded before our cognitive brain comes online, as well as bringing greater overall resource to our nervous system.

To learn more about Neuroaffective Touch, you can visit the website HERE.