Relational Neurosculpting
A 6 week Practice Group with Anthony Sosa and Ara Lee Weldon
Tuesdays, 6:30p-8:30p February 15-March 22
Neurosculpting Institute, 1245 E. Colfax Ave, Denver Colorado
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Join us for a sacred container of practice and play, exploring the microcosm of nervous system regulation within your Individual Self and your Relational Self, eventually rippling out into the expanded experience of co-regulation with another and the generative feedback loop that is created. What does all that mean?? We’ll move a little, meditate a little, learn a lot, practice with rotating partners, and have a really good time together, learning tools and skills that you can use immediately, whether you want to feel more confident in those “first date” conversations, or be better at being vulnerable with your friends and lovers, or find new ways to communicate in long term relationships.
What you’ll leave with:
Deeper understanding about the science of relationship
How to apply your understanding in real time, with friends and partners
Improved communication skills
Increased confidence in casual and intimate connection
Neurosculpting Meditations for home practice
Tools to practice downregulation around your relationship triggers
This is for anyone who is committed to shifting their relational dynamics - within themselves and in their professional and personal relationships.
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About Your Hosts
We thought it would be fun to give you a flavor of our collaborative partnership, from the point of view of the other! We can’t wait to meet you!
Why I enjoy collaborating with Ara: I remember my first time meeting Ara online and feeling immediately struck by her presence of pronounced embodied intuition and playful passion for discussing all things science and psychology. She is someone I greatly admire not only for her keen business sense and professional wisdom, but the way she carries herself with such deep fluid integrity that I know is a result from years of dedication to vast learning and whole-hearted practicing as a way of being that brings me feeling closer to essence when we work together. Collaborating with Ara involves inhabiting the best of multiple worlds to joyously integrate and explore the invisible layers of transformation through our affinity for generating discovery through relational co-creation, the real practical magic of words from various archetypal languages, and invitationally challenging one another to draw upon and return to living wisdom of each other's body to further our capacity to create. - Anthony Sosa
Why I enjoy collaborating with Anthony: Anthony is one of the smartest people I know, but even more than his intelligence, I appreciate his embodied state of curiosity, especially in the relational domain. He takes the time to metabolize information, and practice his knowledge so he can transform it into wisdom. His deep and consistent personal practices generate a field of playful presence and grounded aliveness which (in addition to creating invaluable embodiment for his clients,) fuels our creative and intellectual partnership, providing the foundation to both, rest back in trust, and expand into magic. - Ara Lee Weldon