Posts tagged resistance
Befriending (and Overcoming) Resistance

How many of us struggle with doing the thing that we know will help and make us feel better? How many of us want to be able to do something, and do everything in our power to make it happen, but still bump up against some form of resistance anyway?

How often, when faced with the choice to meditate, exercise, make art, or reach out to a friend, do we instead turn towards our familiar coping tools, like Netflix, snacking, scrolling, substance use, or complaining?

Sometimes, resistance is here for a reason. It can be a sign post trying to indicate that something big in our life might be out of alignment. It’s important to be able to recognize this kind of resistance for what it is, and understand how to properly utilize the information it provides, rather than ignoring it and trying to bulldoze over it in the name of “getting things done”.

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